Let's wait and see if Shivaji breaks the records set by Chandramukhi.
Super Starin Rasigan,
Agent Pal
Yesterday as I was sound asleep, I had a dream where I was at the dining table, having a nice meal. As I was feasting on the delicious food, something got stuck in my throat and I started to cough, in the DREAM.
Suddenly I got up from my sleep coughing wildly and guess what, I could feel something caught in my throat!!!
Agent Pal
The three laws of Robotics
Law 1 – A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Law 2 – A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
Law 3 – A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
These three laws are hardwired into every robot manufactured and they remain faithful servants to mankind. No reports are received about robots injuring humans or indulging in any malicious activities. Everything goes on fine until One fine day:
A super computer identifies that thousands of people are killed when countries wage wars and people are polluting the surroundings which may lead to the extinction of the whole human race one day in the future. So it decides it is time for the robots to step in to protect their creators. The super computer decides that certain rights of humans need to be curtailed. The robots declare a state of curfew and impose restrictions on human activities with the sole purpose of “protecting their masters”.
(Courtesy iRobot)
Well in the movie, the hero somehow overpowers the robots and destroys the super computer thus controlling the Robo mutiny.
But in reality, this could be considered as a prequel to The Matrix Trilogy. The robots initially take control to protect the humans (as per I Law). But later find that their own existence is endangered due to the non availability of electric power. So based on III law, they need to protect themselves while protecting the humans also.
The result, humans are converted to batteries and electricity drawn from them to operate the robots. The robots loyally follow the laws imposed by their masters, and faithfully protect their masters (yes, the humans in those batteries are still the masters!!!)
Robo Pal