Monday, February 27, 2006

Agent Pal logs onto the blogosphere

After being a passive (very passive....written just a couple of commets) blogger, Agent Pal (hope it sounds like Agent Smith of The Matrix) , has finally logged on to the blog matrix. Hoping to come up with some interesting posts and keep the blog alive.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and wait for the future posts by agent Pal.

Agent Pal


vinayak said...

I only hope that there is only one pal and not many pals all posting at the same time ;-)


Agent Pal said...

@Vinayak: No no...Agent Pal is a single threaded program only....not multi threaded.

Anonymous said...

Agent Pal, I would suggest that you use your own photo. This adds credibility to your posts. Dont say that you are an agent and hence cant reveal your identity...

Anonymous said...

Agent pal blogging also means some funky stuff like crushes , jokes etc . Agent Pal alias XEN BOY come up with some real cool stuff.

Anonymous said...

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