Monday, March 06, 2006

Why India??????????

In the past 10-15 years, India has seen a tremendous growth in the software services sector. Indian MNCs like TCS (my ex), Infy, Wipro, HCL have been giving the global leaders like IBM, EDS, CSC a run for their money. These global majors have also shifted a lot of their operations to India. But WHY???

India had been a mute spectator to the manufacturing and hardware movements where China, Korea, Japan, Honk kong had grabbed the major share of the pie. But when it came to software services, India was there with a bang(alore). What is it that has made India the final destination for IT Services? Is it the Infrastructure, Cheap labour, government policies, educational system…..

“BULLSHIT” says Agent Pal. He takes a dive into the Indian history to find a logical solution to the question WHY INDIA? And here’s what he has come up with….

India is a country where joint family system has been practiced for ages. The family has a strict power hierarchy, established procedures for doing things and the family comes before the individual. The kids are brought up to live within the framework, and live as one single family. And as they grow up in age and the power hierarchy, they get to manage the family and lead the family.

So does this all sound very similar to a software company where there is a well documented process for everything, power hierarchy and team work counts more than individual skills. It has been the inherent nature of Indians to stick to the process and work as a team. This is what has enabled Indian companies to implement huge projects worth billions of dollars and involving hundreds of employees and establish the India Inc brand on the global arena.

Hope this sounds like a logical solution!!!

Agent Pal


Anonymous said...

Well said Agent Pal!

Anonymous said...

But nuclear family and software in India are growing in parallel. Aren't they?

Agent Pal said...

@Shibu: Perfectly true...IT boom has led to the growth of nuclear families...The effects of which are already felt with the new startups deviating from the footsteps of the established companies and entering into new domains like the product space and niche services where innovation and creativity play a major role than teamwork.

Vivek Kant Indrayan said...

That was a really nice piece of logic, man!! It would be interesting if someone can similarly reason out a cause for the hardware industry boom in China et al...

And going by Shibu's argument; if nuclear families proliferate to the extent of causing extinction of the joint family system, it will probably be the right time for India to start up on conquering the Software Products industry.

After all, aren't Product companies known for much more freedom @ work, smaller sizes, higher revenues (per head), pursual of an individual's ideas etc. etc.. ;-)

Vivek Kant Indrayan said...

Oops, I guess we came up with almost the same post in less than a gap of a few minutes. Heh heh!!

Anonymous said...

Hats off to Agent Pal for striking such a similarity . Apart from nuclear families and IT , the Indian satellites are also picking up their own identity . Comments from Agent Pal or Shibu or Vivek are requested .